
Piano Perfect

"The name pianists trust"

About Us

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Piano Perfect combines the precision and artistry of aural tuning techniques in order to bring out the optimum tuning for both the piano and the pianist. We provide concert quality regulation, voicing, and rebuilding services in order to assure the piano’s maximum performance on stage, in the studio, or in the home.

Russ McNamara began piano at the age of five. He later pursued percussion where he developed the keen sensitivity to distinguish between slightly different beat speeds essential in harmonic interval tuning. At fifteen, he initiated his study of piano tuning and began tuning professionally at the age of seventeen. He later recieved certification in piano technology from Grayson College, Denison, Texas and earned his B.A. at Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio.
Classical Artists: Steve Reineke; James Tocco;
Kenneth Griffiths; Marcus Küchle; The Cincinnati Opera; Xavier Music Series

Concert Artists: Bruce Hornsby; Michael Feinstein; Mumford & Sons; The Woody Herman Orchestra
Christian Artsts: Steve Green, Michael Card, and piano duo Nielson and Young.
Notice the four extra bass notes in black on this 7' 4" Bösendorfer grand action. Piano Perfect was commissioned to regulate, voice, and clean this rare instrument.
Copy Right: Piano Perfect 2014, All Rights Reserved
                Dec. 18, 2008 Thanks Russ, for the Tender Loving Care you've given my pianos - my babies! - over the years. Gratefully,
   (signed) James Tocco
This letter reads:

       James Tocco
Congratulations to conductor-composer Steve Reineke for being named Music Director for the New York Pops at Carnegie Hall
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